10 August 2003

Trailers of mass destruction story runs out of gas:
But it had not previously been known that a majority of the Defense Intelligence Agency's engineering team had come to disagree with the central finding of the white paper: that the trailers were used for making biological weapons.

'The team has decided that in their minds, there could be another use, for inefficient hydrogen production, most likely for balloons,' a Defense Department official said.

The Defense Intelligence Agency's engineering teams had not concluded their work in Iraq at the time the white paper was drafted, and so their views were not taken into account at that time, the government officials said. They said the engineering teams had discussed their findings in meetings in Washington in June and again last month.

Isn't it strange how again and again we get these things said at the highest level, this one by Bush himself, and weeks or months later we are told by someone much less newsworthy that the story was so much hot air? Isn't it even stranger that the Bush administration released a technical analysis before the technical analysts had done their work? Or is this the deeper problem of rightwing governments not knowing or wanting to know the basic science underlying their claims?

Link from DailyKOS

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