11 April 2003

how to do regime change IV
I think I might miss the regime's information minister - al-Sahhaf was surreal but passionate about his job - perhaps the occupation authorities could find a role for him announcing the nine-times capture of Umm Qasr or something.

Meanwhile, Kirkuk has fallen to the Kurds and Turkey has announced it is sending 'military observers' there. Ayatollah al-Khoei has been murdered in Najaf. The Red Cross is describing a situation in Baghdad's hospitals that passes catastrophe. Water and power have not been restored in Baghdad or Basra.

The coalition is now the effective government of Iraq. They are responsible for public safety, health and basic services. Restoring the TV service so they could make speeches that al-Sahhaf could have written possibly does not exhaust their responsibilities.

A just war must be proportionate to the evil it seeks to remove. Proportionality will be severely tested if Iraqis continue to die for want of basic health services and adequate numbers of troops to police the country or if an ethnic war breaks out in the Kurdish territory.

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