31 March 2003

missing: one massive terrorist facility
The MTF in northern Iraq was all over various press conferences a few hours ago, but now it's disappeared again. I am beginning to suspect it's gone to the same place as the captive general the British have now admitted does not exist. We still don't know if this MTF is the same nonexistent MTF Powell reported to the Security Council or a different (but existent) MTF in the same place.

The real kicker is reported in the Guardian:

Britain and the United States suffered a fresh blow last night when their main justification for war was undermined by reports that special forces have failed to find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

As Tony Blair launched a charm offensive to persuade the Arab world to understand his decision to go to war, senior officials in Washington said that intelligence information about weapons of mass destruction at 10 sites had proved to be unfounded.

The Washington Post reported yesterday that tests had proved negative at all "urgent" sites in the western desert. "All the searches have turned up negative," a staff officer told the newspaper. "The munitions that have been found have all been conventional."

At some point the leaders of the coalition really need to find some weapons of mass destruction. An explanation of the constant recaptures of the same towns, the surrender of entire divisions that prove not to be, and the constant coming and going of various generals from the POW list is starting to raise eyebrows.

The London Sun confirms that this MTF is the same one as the nonexistent MTF Powell identified in February! The article is fun to read, if only to count the number of times 'could have' and 'would have' are used. Note also that the Sun and the Guardian both mention the 1.5 kg bomb although the Sun tries to blow that up into something terrifying. (Apology for pun inserted here).

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