15 April 2003

CENTCOM issued fatwa, but still no WMDs
Back on 4 April, on one of the several occasions that Najaf fell to the coalition, General Vincent Brooks stated as follows:

The last thing I'll point is, first, in the wake of yesterday's operations near Najaf and -- (inaudible) -- operations to date, a prominent cleric, Grand Ayatollah Sistani (sp), who had been placed under house arrest by the regime for a considerable period of time, issued a fatwa. And it was done this morning, instructing the population to remain calm and to not interfere with coalition actions. We believe this is a very significant turning point, and yet another indicator that the Iraqi regime is approaching its end.

Despite wide publicity in the Western media that fatwa was almost immediately denied by its alleged author, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the highest Shi'a authority in Iraq or eleswhere.

The only Islamic source to confirm the fatwa was the al-Khoei Foundation in London although they later disavowed the fatwa. It's about the most dramatic example of deliberate disinformation (short of the various WMD claims) the coalition has mounted.

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